The gift of sight

911. Finding and liking Josh Garrels’ music…much to Aaron’s delight.

912. Confirmation that my eyes are healing well (even though the healing process took longer than I thought).

913. Finding 100% cotton baby and toddler footie pajamas at Costco.

914. A Chipotle burrito (with guac!) after several  months of none.

915. Watching “Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution” online.

916. An amazing Asian Chicken Salad that kind of came together out of nowhere.

917. Both my kids napping at the same time.

918. My sister-in-law picking up stuff at the store for me so I didn’t have to.

919. Cedar’s excitement over using sidewalk chalk.

920. Chalk-drawing with Cedar on the porch (because the sidewalk was too hot).

921. Having some new friends over for burgers.

922. My husband’s grilled corn.

923. How all the watermelons we’ve gotten from Trader Joe’s have been consistently yummy.

924. Talking about parenting with our new friends.

925. How well making four 9x13s (and an 8×8) of chicken tetrazinni went (“baby meals” for two large families we know that recently had new little ones).

926. My little “helper”.

927. Delivering the meals and getting to chat with the other mamas.

928. Killing so many flies!

929. Having supper (the 8×8) already made.

930. Lavender, brown and white little girl clothes.

931. Quiet.

932. Being almost done with Genoa’s baby gift thank-yous.

933. The cards that my ten-year-old sister-in-law recycled/made that I bought from her.

934. The feeling of efficiency.

935. A Mexican salmon salad and colby sandwich.

936. My last corneal abrasion eye appointment.

937. Finding yummy and healthy burger buns at Costco.

938. Chipotle twice in one week.

939. A beautiful sunset on our drive home.

940. Genoa calming herself down in the car while Mommy was driving.

941. Our clothesline/garden/compost area.

942. The smell of cooking quinoa.

943. Our new stacking bowls from World Market.

944. Sunday afternoon family naps.

945. How easy English muffins are to make.

946. Figuring out how to have larger families over for dinner in our tiny house…and how well it worked.

947. Showing hospitality.

948. How cute Genoa looks in her navy flowered dress and white puffed sleeve onesie.

949. Budget talks with my husband.

950. Getting to wear contacts again (and see! [after nine days of having to wear not-up-to-prescription glasses]).


2 thoughts on “The gift of sight

  1. I’m so glad to hear that your eyes are doing well and healing!

    Little girls clothes are so much fun 🙂

    Mmm, chipotle!

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