Simple Essential Oils – Part Five: A giveaway!

(January 2015 edit: along with this series, please make sure to read my follow-up post with more info about essential oil suppliers and practices.)

This post will bring the series to a close, and I hope it was helpful to those of you wanting to learn more about essential oils.  It was fun to write and I learned a lot in doing so.  And while I am by no means an expert on essential oils, if you have questions about anything I wrote about, please ask — you can contact me here or leave a comment.  I can’t guarantee I’ll have the answer as I’m still learning myself, but I might be able to point you in the direction of information that has been helpful to me as I pursue learning more about this amazing gift of natural medicine the Lord has given us.

If you missed any of the previous posts in the Simple Essential Oils series, they are:

One final note before we get to the exciting giveaway: I realize that this series probably came across as very pro-Beeyoutiful.  It was meant to be as I think Beeyoutiful is a great company that provides quality natural health products for an affordable price.  They’re a small company and therefore not as well-known as other natural health companies so I wanted to get the word out about them.  However, it really bothers me when people say stuff along the lines of “This company is the only one with quality products…you must buy from them if you want the real thing!”.  So please know: as much I appreciate and trust Beeyoutiful, I don’t think they are the only company out there with quality essential oils.  If you already have an essential oil supplier that you trust and that you can get affordable essential oils from…good for you!  By all means, stay with them if that’s what works for you.  For me, I’ve had only good experiences with Beeyoutiful through the many orders I’ve placed and the numerous interactions I’ve had with them…and so I want others to know about them as well.

My good experience with Beeyoutiful only continued when I approached them about sponsoring a giveaway to go along with this series.  They were very enthusiastic about it and more than generous.  They offered to give away one of their Beginner Basics Essential Oil Packs.  This pack contains FIVE different essential oils: eucalyptus, lavender, lemon, orange and tea tree.  I have all of those essential oils, and if you read my post about the different ways I use oils, you know that some of these are my favourites and they are all very versatile.

Beginner Basics Essential Oil Pack

Entering the giveaway for this Beginner Basic Essential Oil Pack is simple.  Visit Beeyoutiful and check out their selection of essential oils.  Come back here and comment, telling me which essential oil you’re most interested in and why.  For an extra entry, share about this giveaway through some kind of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) and then comment telling me you did so (but remember, you must leave a separate comment in order for it to count as an extra entry!).  And I’m sorry to any international readers, but due to shipping costs, this giveaway is only open to those residing in the US.  The giveaway closes at midnight EST, Friday, December 7th.

This giveaway is now closed.

71 thoughts on “Simple Essential Oils – Part Five: A giveaway!

  1. I went to that Beeyoutiful site. I think I’d love to have the lavender oil the best. The fragrance is so beautiful. It’s also so versatile which is a good thing.

  2. I use some essential oils, but have not tried Beeyoutiful’s oils yet. (I do love their other products, though! 🙂 ) Would love to try the lemon and use it for disinfecting!

    Great series, Jessica! I found your blog awhile ago…can’t even remember how…but love all of your helpful posts! Thank you!

  3. I love the Frankincense essential oils because a friend of mine uses it and gave me some once as a relaxer. It was fabulous.

  4. Hi! I found out about this giveaway through facebook; one of my friends posted about it there. I simply *love* essential oils and so does my grandma, so this giveaway has me excited! 🙂
    Okay, I went to the site, and I’d probably get the peppermint or lemongrass. I have some peppermint oil in my tiny stash, and it’s wonderful for headaches.

  5. I’m most interested in the orange essential oil. Several of the personal care products I make at home are supposed to include a drop or two. So far, I’ve always just left it out since I didn’t have any. 🙂

  6. Oooh, exciting! 🙂 From the above set, I’d be most interested in the tea tree oil, for disinfecting. And I’d like the lemon, orange….well, I’d like all of them. 🙂 Other than that set, I’d like to get clove oil, which I love and have only had once before. Great for colds, teething pain, etc. Plus it smells great!

  7. I shared the giveaway on Facebook! It was a tough decision…pro: I get one extra entry…con: more people enter because they saw my link, therefore diminishing my chances. 🙂

  8. The scent of Lemon peels is on of my favorites! I would love some Lemon essential oil to keep in my kitchen. I’m just starting to venture into the world of essential oils. I’m currently using Lavender and Tea Tree oil in my homemade baby wipe solutions and would love to start using them for other purposes around the house. Thanks for such an interesting and helpful series of articles, Jessica!

  9. Thank you for all of the helpful information, Jessica! I’ve wanted to learn more about eo’s for a long time. I also would love to try the frankincense. I’ve been curious about its scent and would love to try it, but either frankincense or lavender would be my top interest – frankincense because it seems fun, exotic, and useful, and both because of their safety during pregnancy and on young children.

    1. oops. I just noted it frankincense is not listed for use in young children. I’m getting things mixed up! I love that lavender can be used from birth.

  10. I’d love to try several but especially the Orange essential oil! It helps with so many different things… as a pesticide, in cleaning laundry, as a antiseptic, and … I love the smell of oranges! One of the cheeriest smells! Anyways, really looking forward to finishing reading your series! =)

  11. I find the ginger oil to be intriguing! Would probably be great to add to poultices and other such “warming” balms. Thanks for the chance to win!

  12. I’ve always wanted to learn ways to use Cassia oil– I’ve noticed references to it in Scripture and a friend named her daughter, Cassia, but I haven’t had time to research it much. 🙂

  13. I have had this beginner set on my wishlist for a while now! I’m eager to get started with essential oils! I think I’m most interested in the eucalyptus oil because of its ability to neutralize airborne illnesses… I have a preemie baby in the house and would worry less about him catching something!

  14. Ginger oil seems interesting. I’ve used essential oils for many years, but do not know anything about ginger as an essential oil.

    Thanks for this opportunity. (I learned about it by way of Gretchen on FB)


  15. I am really interested in trying their lavender oil. I have used another brand and have been amazed at how well it helps my teething baby fall asleep. It also cured my son of a continually stuffy nose due to allergies.

  16. Chamomile! (But wow….you weren’t kidding when you said it was pricey! :-)) Because….having something that might help soothe a fussy baby would be really awesome, given my babies’ track records. 😀

  17. I think I’d use the lavender or frankincense the most (I get bad mosquito bites in the summer, and frankincense sounds just plain cool to have around!). The only essential oil I’ve used thus far is eucalyptus, in my diaper wash loads, and tea tree oil, in my kids’ baths now and then. I’d love to branch out.

  18. This is an awesome giveaway! We love Beeyoutiful! I would love to add Chamomile to my stash, as well as Clove to make a home-made teething cream.

  19. I am most interested in lavender right now. I use essential oils to sent my room and I have wanted to see if it helps with some of the restless sleep I’ve been having. 🙂

  20. It is really hard to pick just one essential oil that I am really intrigued by, but I think I’d like to learn about frankincense.

  21. I am interested in having some peppermint oil as it helps with nausea. I would love to have any of these EO’s.

  22. I’m very interested in the Frankincense oil, because of it’s history and that it was one of the 3 gifts given to baby Jesus! I’m very curious as to what it smells like.

  23. Unfortunately the Beeyoutiful website is not working so I can’t take a look at all they have. I really am excited and want to know more about the company as my mom and I were using essential oils from a different company and distributors but for various reasons we were not happy with the way they did business. I have several friends that have had no problems with this other company so I guess its just a case by case experience. Anyway… my mom is a nutritionist and often times recommends essential oils to her clients so Im super excited to find another good company! Out of all the oils I have tried I love the tangerine, lavender and peppermint! I would love to try the jasmine someday as a perfume!

  24. My husband and I use tea tree oil or lavender oil mixed with baking soda dissolved in hot water to wash our hair – much nicer than shampoo! I’m also wanting some peppermint or spearmint oil to help with respiratory stuff (my man puts it in his beard at night).

  25. Ahhh! Essential Oils made easy. I knew you had a growing collection Jessica and have watched you use a few…I stopped short of using the few I have for lack of my own research. But reading over your series, I’m encouraged to give it a go! I’m already a Beeyoutiful fan~Frankincense sounds intriguing.

  26. I’m sort of old school. I prefer frankinscence and myrrh. It makes me feel like Jesus which is what I tend to do most days. I don’t know what I would do with them; perhaps put them in an ornate jar and think about my righteousness. And then probably repent. Anyway, love your blog. Just stumbled across it from Facebook.

  27. Woo-hoo! I’m totally down for Tee Tree and Eucalyptus, one for skin issues and rashes/etc.and the other because I love Eucalyptus and diffusing it might take care of the smell I find very a nuisance in my home right now. Thanks Jessica for your great series!

  28. I went to Beeyoutiful’s website, and I’m particularly interested in the frankincense essential oil, especially for it’s immune system support.

  29. I’d have to go with ginger. Not only is it unique as an essential oil, but it is so healing medicinally. I can only imagine what it would be like to drop a few drops in the water on top of our wood stove!

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